Aussies Of The Bay – Peter Williams

Name, job, part of the San Francisco Bay Area you live in

Peter Williams, Commercial Director, Sunnyvale

When did you first come to the Bay and what’s the backstory there?

I moved here 2 1/2 years ago – I was working in Doha, and received a phone call out of the blue asking if I wanted to move to California! The decision wasn’t difficult… I am working for a real estate company, creating office space for a very large Tech Company. I am used to moving around the world – we have lived in 14 different cities, and moved 25+ times in the last 20 years.

Hardest thing about moving here?

It was relatively easy – getting services sorted out was unexpectedly difficult, compared to the rest of the world. And the banking system – cheques / checks? 🙂

Favorite Bay Area memory to date?

So many – cycling through Golden Gate Park, whales at Half Moon Bay, the ability to be at Lake Tahoe in 4 hours.

What impact has being Australian had on your life here? In dating? In work?

The reason I got the job was being an Australian, while being a specialist in what I do! It was easier to get an Australian here on an E3 than any other visa type.

Dating = not applicable – I am here with my wife of 29 years, my kids are back in Australia.

In work, I am a novelty, and get to talk about crocs and roos a lot.

Most American thing you’ve experienced in your time here?

The formality of Thanksgiving – and having to eat the stuff as a pudding! It’s bad enough as a vegetable.

Best advice for anyone who is thinking of coming over?

Just do it (apologies to Nike…) – bringing a different viewpoint to the workplace can provide many opportunities.

Any additional thoughts?

My wife wasn’t expecting to take so long to (1) get the SSN / E3D sorted out, and (2) find a decent paying job. After almost a year, she opened a home daycare – which she finds huge fun and pays far better than any formal employment she could find.


Christian Thurston


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