Aussies Of The Bay – Anthony May

Name, job, part of the San Francisco Bay Area you live in

Anthony May, Electronics Engineer, Alloy Product Development, SoMa (previously Tendernob, which wore thin after a couple of years.)

When did you first come to the Bay and what’s the backstory there?

October 2015, back when the notion of DJT becoming President was laughable. My husband worked for Atlassian in Sydney and he wanted to do the go-live-n-work-overseas thing. So that was our ticket over here on the L1/L2 visas.

Hardest thing about moving here?

The cost! Our two cats’ relocation cost more than our air tickets, but half a 20′ shipping container makes that look like pocket money. Then 1+1 month rent & 1 month bond at SF rental rates was brutal.

Favorite Bay Area memory to date?

There’s been many, but one of them was a day 1 year ago while I was job-hunting, which I chronicled in one of my most up-voted Quora answers to a similar question, so here’s an except and the link to the full Answer:

Meet the CEO of another tech start-up who was developing an Augment Reality head-set with ambitious specs. She’s a 5′ 0″ young Asian woman who was extremely difficult to understand due to a thick Chinese accent and a tendency to speak way too fast, had difficulty maintaining eye contact, but she was clearly very very smart, technically fearless, & busy iterating their design. She and her co-founder work from a home in the hills south of Twin Peaks that’s been converted to a hard-core tech-den.

When she opened the front door and invited me in, I was confronted by a set of carpeted stairs that obviously hadn’t been vacuumed in 15 months. Getting around inside was a constant exercise in not tripping over stuff that covered the floors: piles of boxes, ‘shelved’ experiments, lab equipment everywhere, a pile of unopened Amazon deliveries. If I were to start work there it would be impossible for me to not become Den Mother and try to clean the place before starting actual work – every day. ”

What impact has being Australian had on your life here? In dating? In work?

Hard to say, but I suspect not much! These days Australians are everywhere in the Bay Area, so there’s not much surprise/shock-factor, also because it’s an incredible something-something-melting-pot. My husband worked in the Atlassian SF office until recently, where there’s a revolving door of staff moving between SF & Sydney, so the Americans there seem to happily soak up the Aussie culture.

Most American thing you’ve experienced in your time here?

Oh geez, so many. Um, 6 months here and we’re driving back from a weekend in Yosemite (awesome!), through Oakville in the Central Valley, a tiny town that bills itself as “The World’s Cowboy Capital,” where a car sped past us with a bumper-sticker “Liberalism is a mental illness”? I probably wouldn’t blink at that now, but back then while still in the ‘liberal bubble of California’, it was a bit of a shock that we didn’t have to drive too far out of the inner liberal bubble of SF Bay Area to be reminded how politically polarised this country is. I didn’t know until a year later that Bakersfield, a little to the south, is California’s ‘Trump Central’. Yup.

Best advice for anyone who is thinking of coming over?

Do your research! The Australians In SF (& CA) Facebook groups were pretty useful for us before and after the move, so I try to give back there when I can. Knowing the sequence of things you need to do from day-1 can be pretty important to minimise the time without an SSN and bank account so that you can actually be paid ASAP, which is important when you’ve just dropped $10-15k to get the keys to a rental apartment! lol

Feel free to add your own thoughts and notes here.

When Bluestone Lane opened here in SF, the young Aussie girl who was over here from Aus temporarily setting up the shop asked me “So, what’s it like living over here?” I replied, “*sigh* It’s a complicated place…”, and immediately she said “EVERYONE SAYS THAT! What do you MEAN?!?!” I chuckled. I could’ve just rattled off the usual platitudes and head-scratchings, which are all mostly true, but that doesn’t inform much because just about everyone’s heard them anyway.

I think us Aussies over here start out looking at the USA and its crazy s**t – politics, health insurance, gun violence, etc – and dismiss it with a pretty black-n-white ‘Oh why don’t you just…?’ or ‘Hey, most of the developed world’s sorted that s**t out – maybe you should take your heads out of your arses for a minute and have a look?’ attitude.

If only it were that simple. Even if you account for American Exceptionalism and the ambivalence most Americans have about life outside the US, their history is pretty frakkin complicated – and I still feel like I’ve barely scratched the surface – and it’s all lead up to where they are now. We can no more snap our fingers and change any of that, any more than a Silicon Valley Libertarian could snap their fingers and convince Australians there’s more to wealth creation than amassing multiple negatively geared investment properties and screwing the next generation.

It’s best just to let Americans be Americans, and Australians be Australians, and clink beers together. Some of them even like Vegemite, so there’s hope.

[suggested question: How long do you think you’ll stay here? ]
We’ve already been here longer than we first thought we would. We’re thinking about where next, perhaps somewhere in Europe, probably move next year. Not quite ready to settle back in Australia just yet… :-)”


Aussies Of The Bay – Craig Ward

Name, job, part of the San Francisco Bay Area you live in

Craig Ward, Sales Manager, Petaluma, North Bay

When did you first come to the Bay and what’s the backstory there?

First came to the US (via the UK) in 1991 following a girl. We travelled back and forth between San Rafael and Brisbane and eventually got married in the USA in 1993. We decided the best way to get ahead was to head back to Australia which we did and moved back to Brisbane. We lived there for 15 years where our 4 children were born and decided in 2008 to move back here where my wife could be near her family for a while as well as let our kids experience their mother’s country for a while. Fast forward 10 years and we are still here. However, at this stage we now have two children who have graduated college, 2 Tae Kwon Do black belts, one of which is now an instructor, and the other who has just graduated high school and not sure what direction he wants to go.

Hardest thing about moving here?

Leaving family and friends. Not being around for family milestones (ie birthdays and anniversaries of immediate family). Plus having my kids grow up here and not have their grandparents as a close part of their life. Yes, they Facetime and text but it’s not the same. More recently having my eldest son move back to Australia with a view of joining the Queensland Police Service and knowing I will potentially be missing out on some of his milestones.

Favorite Bay Area memory to date?

Too many to name. Living in Petaluma and being so close to the wine country and the microbrewery explosion is always a good time. And driving over the hill from Mill Valley and seeing the Golden Gate Bridge and the City never grows old. Renewing our vows for our 20th anniversary at the same place we were married and my wife wearing her original wedding dress was a very special moment and we shared it with a lot of people who were at our wedding.

What impact has being Australian had on your life here? In dating? In work?

Being in sales it breaks down a lot of barriers in the work field as people just love hearing you talk and I think it gives you a level of trust that people accept. Dating never came into it as I’m still married to the girl I followed here over 25 years ago.

Most American thing you’ve experienced in your time here?

My wife has worked for a couple of companies in Petaluma who participate in the local parades and helping out in those (Butter and Eggs Day parade and Veterans Day) is always special. But I think the most American experience would have been becoming a citizen back in February. Over 1100 people received citizenship and it was a very emotional experience.

Best advice for anyone who is thinking of coming over?

Do it. For all the negative and bad press you hear it is a unique experience. Yes, the traffic bites and you might not be able to find a good meat pie but the things to do in California and especially the Bay Area are sensational. Nothing like going to a Baseball or Football game and taking in the hype and hoopla like in the US. Go to the Redwoods and wine country in the North Bay or head further north in the winter and go skiing in Tahoe. Take the scenic drive down Highway 1 and the spectacular scenery along the coast. Of course, there are all the attractions in LA and then San Diego is a short stop away. Or check out some of the best National Parks in the world, Yosemite, Joshua Tree and Alcatraz just to name a few. But most of all the people. The people are awesome. Don’t judge them all as loudmouth yanks but take the time and find out about them and their history whether they be from Finnish, Panamanian, English, Mexican or Australian backgrounds they are all here living their dream.



Aussies Of The Bay – Lisa Le Lievre

Name, job, part of the San Francisco Bay Area you live in

Lisa Le Lievre, Pilates and dance instructor and independent filmmaker, Sausalito

When did you first come to the Bay and what’s the backstory there?

I came from Sydney 11 years ago with my husband’s solar company.

Hardest thing about moving here?

The subtle cultural differences that underlie everything.

Favorite Bay Area memory to date?

My recent short film production working with Dani Rowe (ex-Australian Ballet star), Luke Ingham (ex-Aussie ballet and current Principal dancer at SF Ballet) and my best friend Larissa Kelloway (an incredible performing artist living and working in the Bay area).

What impact has being Australian had on your life here? In dating? In work?

In work, I think it has been an asset. I teach a lot of kids and they love the accent. When it comes to independent filmmaking the ability to get things done is a big plus.

Most American thing you’ve experienced in your time here?

That would be a toss-up between 4th July celebrations and Halloween.

Best advice for anyone who is thinking of coming over?

Do it. The culture of innovation and risk-taking is exciting to be a part of and if you want to do creative work there is a lot of opportunity.


Aussies Of The Bay – Christine Gee

Name, job, part of the San Francisco Bay Area you live in

Christine Gee, Research Specialist, UC Berkeley, El Cerrito

When did you first come to the Bay and what’s the backstory there?

I first came to the Bay area in 2006 for a post-doc at UC Berkeley. I stayed for nearly four years on J1 visas, and then returned to Australia to work at the Australian Synchrotron in Melbourne. However, while I was in the US I met a fellow, and long story short I ended up getting married to an American and moving back here.

Hardest thing about moving here?

Family and friends are so far away. Also, I really can’t wrap my head around the fact that I may never live in Australia again. Also, and perhaps more trivially, the lack of really good iced coffee, you know that kind with ice cream and whipped cream.

Favorite Bay Area memory to date?

Getting engaged on the Golden Gate Bridge is up there. Also riding the cable cars from Powell St. up the hill standing on the side and running/walking the bay to breakers.

What impact has being Australian had on your life here? In dating? In work?

People don’t always understand my accent. Once in a bar, I asked for a Chardonnay and got a shot of Jager. Let’s just say it was NOT what I had in mind. I have also gotten a soda instead of a cider!

I work in a pretty multinational environment at a university, so I suspect there is less impact from being Australian at work than there might otherwise be. I still occasionally come out with some slang that has everyone confused though. Who knew that arvo and fortnight were not universal concepts!?

Most American thing you’ve experienced in your time here?

A county fair, complete with show chickens and pig races and giant smoked turkey legs.

Best advice for anyone who is thinking of coming over?

If you have the opportunity, you should take it. You never know where it will lead and probably you will have fun.

Any additional thoughts?

As my husband says its a lot easier to get a cat into the US than a wife and I was unemployed for a while with no status after we first got married. My cat however just needed a rabies shot and an airfare and she was good to go. The photo is from a trip to Sonoma with my husband and an Aussie friend.

Where we live deer regularly wander in the grounds and on the road, as do turkeys! The turkeys actually are a bit mean and I have been chased by one!!!!


Aussies Of The Bay – Sandy Handler

Name, job, part of the San Francisco Bay Area you live in

Sandy Handler, Music Teacher and Freelance Writer, Pacifica

When did you first come to the Bay and what’s the backstory there?

I moved from Australia to London in my early 20’s. After a decade I’d had enough of bleak British weather and decided to move back to Australia, but via San Francisco for a six week holiday first. This was in 1999. Well, two weeks into my SF stopover, I met my husband. We married a couple of years later and I planted roots deep enough to keep me here for 18 years and counting.

Hardest thing about moving here?

Giving up Brisbane’s year-long warm weather

Favorite Bay Area memory to date?

Back in my first year in SF, I had a wonderful summer afternoon on a charter yacht on the bay. That memory sticks out because the sight of the Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz, the city skyline and a perfect warm, cloudless day was so impressive. I realized I felt strangely at home in a place that was foreign to me.

What impact has being Australian had on your life here? In dating? In work?

I’ve always liked sticking out a little (I’m a redhead, we naturally stick out) so having an Aussie accent has been great. People seem to notice straight away. I think we can use our differences to further our positions, career-wise, or in our social life. So yep, being Australian here has only been an advantage!

Most American thing you’ve experienced in your time here?

The obvious answer is probably Independence Day, because there’s a stars and stripes image everywhere you turn, from t-shirts to cakes, to garden flags. But, I’m going to say a baseball game. That’s where you find all the stereotypes. The fans in jerseys, the anthem before it starts, kids with baseball gloves, the hotdogs with ketchup, mustard and sauerkraut, the Cracker Jack, the songs, the people keeping statistics. It’s all good American fun.

Best advice for anyone who is thinking of coming over?

If coming to the SF Bay Area, lose all preconceived ideas about American people. This place is so multicultural, you’re going to meet people from all over the globe with different perspectives on life.

Plus, this is a country of extremes, you’ll experience sweltering summers in the same place as bitter winters, meet a super intelligent person at the same party as someone with very little education, see a gun shop next door to a yoga studio (or is that just in Pacifica?) and find a Michelin star restaurant with homeless people sleeping on the doorstep.

Try not to judge on first appearances, because the extremes are here but everything in between is too. I guess I’m trying to say keep an open mind, and if there’s something not to your taste, just turn the corner and you’re bound to find something that is.

Any additional thoughts?

After 18 years I still have my Aussie accent. In fact, I cultivate it a little every time I go home. It’s a part of my identity I don’t want to lose!


Aussies Of The Bay – James Chartres

Name, job, part of the San Francisco Bay Area you live in

James Chartres, Chief Engineering, Millennium Engineering and Integration Services,  NASA Ames Research Center, San Jose.

James is also the owner and race car driver of Kanga Motorsports an amateur road racing team competing with the Sports Car Club of America (SCCA).

When did you first come to the Bay and what’s the backstory there?

I moved to the SF Bay Area in November 2007. I met the NASA Ames Center Director while I was studying in Europe and he asked if I would like to work at NASA. How can you turn that opportunity down? I said, yes! Then I packed up for the United States. I started working and loved it. I have now been here for over 10 years.

Hardest thing about moving here?

The hardest thing was leaving friends and family behind. Next to that, getting all the paperwork in place including the work Visa took some time.

Favorite Bay Area memory to date?

There are so many great SF Bay Area memories. I enjoy the region for all the activities that you can go and do. From hiking through Redwoods to scuba diving the kelp forests. Perhaps my most favorite memory was the first time I got to race on the world-famous race track Laguna Seca that I used to drive on video games as a kid.

What impact has being Australian had on your life here? In dating? In work?

Most people like Australian people and/or have had a great experience in Australia, so it has helped to start conversations and open up opportunities.

Most American thing you’ve experienced in your time here?

I have been in the US for a while so I have been lucky to have lots of amazing experiences. Several that come to mind include watching NASCAR in person, experiencing live Ice Hockey games, exploring Yellowstone National Park, driving the California Coast and hiking half dome in Yosemite.

Best advice for anyone who is thinking of coming over?

If you get the opportunity, take it. You never know what doors it might open. The most important thing to do is get all the paperwork in place before you come over. Then make the most of it by seeking out new experiences and exploring.

Any additional thoughts?

If anyone is interested in seeing motorsports up close, we are racing 27-29 July at WeatherTech Raceway Laguna Seca, Monterey, CA. My car has a big Kangaroo on the front so you can’t miss it. Come by, say hello, get a selfie sitting in the race car and watch some great wheel to wheel action. There is only a small $5 fee for entering the county park after that the entry for the racing is free. Kids and Family friendly.


Aussies Of The Bay – Peter Williams

Name, job, part of the San Francisco Bay Area you live in

Peter Williams, Commercial Director, Sunnyvale

When did you first come to the Bay and what’s the backstory there?

I moved here 2 1/2 years ago – I was working in Doha, and received a phone call out of the blue asking if I wanted to move to California! The decision wasn’t difficult… I am working for a real estate company, creating office space for a very large Tech Company. I am used to moving around the world – we have lived in 14 different cities, and moved 25+ times in the last 20 years.

Hardest thing about moving here?

It was relatively easy – getting services sorted out was unexpectedly difficult, compared to the rest of the world. And the banking system – cheques / checks? 🙂

Favorite Bay Area memory to date?

So many – cycling through Golden Gate Park, whales at Half Moon Bay, the ability to be at Lake Tahoe in 4 hours.

What impact has being Australian had on your life here? In dating? In work?

The reason I got the job was being an Australian, while being a specialist in what I do! It was easier to get an Australian here on an E3 than any other visa type.

Dating = not applicable – I am here with my wife of 29 years, my kids are back in Australia.

In work, I am a novelty, and get to talk about crocs and roos a lot.

Most American thing you’ve experienced in your time here?

The formality of Thanksgiving – and having to eat the stuff as a pudding! It’s bad enough as a vegetable.

Best advice for anyone who is thinking of coming over?

Just do it (apologies to Nike…) – bringing a different viewpoint to the workplace can provide many opportunities.

Any additional thoughts?

My wife wasn’t expecting to take so long to (1) get the SSN / E3D sorted out, and (2) find a decent paying job. After almost a year, she opened a home daycare – which she finds huge fun and pays far better than any formal employment she could find.


Aussies looking for opportunities – 26th June 2018

Lizzie Matkovich – Communications / Stakeholder Management

I’m Lizzie Matkovich, I’m 29 years old and from Sydney. I have over seven years experience in the development and execution of stakeholder engagement and communication strategies for both internal and external clients.

Having worked for organizations both big and small and across a range of industries (Arts to agribusiness to most recently building and construction), I’m particularly adept at cultivating relationships with individuals from diverse organisational backgrounds.
Having spent many times visiting the Bay Area, I’m keen to make the move over to not only build upon my current skill set but also experience new challenges that stem from an overseas relocation.
I’m looking for a customer-focused role, such as a Communications Manager / Stakeholder Management, that draws upon my strong communications background. While my most recent experience lends me towards the construction and tertiary education sectors, I’m open to all industries, organization sizes and opportunities. While still based in Sydney, I’m available to relocate with minimal notice should the right opportunity come my way.
If you know of any roles that sound suitable, you can learn more about my experience via LinkedIn:
Or email me at

Aussies looking for opportunities – 12th June 2018

Tasha Nabila – PR

Hi there! I am a PR & Communications professional with over three years of experience in the public relations industry across agency and in-house, with a background in and a passion point for technology. I graduated with a double degree in Communications and International Studies in 2015 from the University of Technology, Sydney.

During my professional career, I have worked within a wide array of communications and marketing areas, including corporate and consumer PR, brand sponsorhip, social media and events. In addition to this, I have developed a wide breadth of public relations and industry knowledge spanning corporate, health, travel and consumer & enterprise technology.

Currently, I work as a PR & Communications Manager in Sydney, Australia and am looking to relocate to the Bay Area as soon as possible. Here is my LinkedIn. Please feel free to get in touch with relevant opportunities at

John – Sports / Biz Dev

Hi I’m John Birtwhistle (but please call me Jack), I am 28 and from Sydney, however have been living in Canberra the last 8 years. I have come to the Bay Area looking to get some exposure to the Sports Industry, both professional sports and collegiate sports.

That said I am open to any and all opportunities and my most recent experience has been as the Business Development Manager for a Small/Medium organisation. I would be well suited to roles focused on Business Development and Business Strategy.

I am also open to any opportunities elsewhere in the US. I have always loved visiting the USA and am really excited to be here and very hopeful of establishing a home here for the next few years (or more).

Linkedin – Phone – 323 397 3479

Kyle – General

I’m looking for any leads for e3-sponsoring companies hiring someone with my experience.

I’ve got a degree in global business from a 4-year college in the states, a specialization from UC San Diego in interaction design.

I have work experience as a media intern as well as experience in operations at Sprig (a healthy food startup) from the year that I have lived here after graduation. I absolutely love the city and the culture and am trying to find the most efficient route forward to stay here. LinkedIn. Email: