Aussies Of The Bay – Lisa Le Lievre

Name, job, part of the San Francisco Bay Area you live in

Lisa Le Lievre, Pilates and dance instructor and independent filmmaker, Sausalito

When did you first come to the Bay and what’s the backstory there?

I came from Sydney 11 years ago with my husband’s solar company.

Hardest thing about moving here?

The subtle cultural differences that underlie everything.

Favorite Bay Area memory to date?

My recent short film production working with Dani Rowe (ex-Australian Ballet star), Luke Ingham (ex-Aussie ballet and current Principal dancer at SF Ballet) and my best friend Larissa Kelloway (an incredible performing artist living and working in the Bay area).

What impact has being Australian had on your life here? In dating? In work?

In work, I think it has been an asset. I teach a lot of kids and they love the accent. When it comes to independent filmmaking the ability to get things done is a big plus.

Most American thing you’ve experienced in your time here?

That would be a toss-up between 4th July celebrations and Halloween.

Best advice for anyone who is thinking of coming over?

Do it. The culture of innovation and risk-taking is exciting to be a part of and if you want to do creative work there is a lot of opportunity.


Christian Thurston


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