Aussies Of The Bay – Peter Buckingham

Name, job, part of the San Francisco Bay Area you live in

Peter Buckingham, CTO, Waypoint, San Francisco

When did you first come to the Bay and what’s the backstory there?

I moved to the Bay Area in 2000. I was a relatively recent grad and doing the classic Aussie backpack and traveling thing. When I traveled through the Bay Area I interviewed at a few companies.

I was fortunate enough to be offered a job and came back at the end of my trip. It was meant to be for a few years, but then I got married had a couple of kids and it’s looking more permanent (17+ years on).

Hardest thing about moving here?

Being away from friends and family.

Favorite Bay Area memory to date?

Every weekend I end up being in the Presidio for my kids’ swimming or sports activities. Seeing the Golden Gate Bridge, the Bay and the Palace of Fine Arts is amazing and humbling. It’s a constant reminder of what a special place we live in.

What impact has being Australian had on your life here? In dating? In work?

Being an Australian mostly is a good conversation starter and I end up being a bit of a novelty.

Most American thing you’ve experienced in your time here?

Being asked about gun control in Australia as part of a job interview.

Best advice for anyone who is thinking of coming over?

Be open to meeting people. Put yourself out there, join things and participate. Find a way to be a part of a community. There is now a lot of information out there about the practicalities of moving here, but coming to the US and finding a way to feel at home is tricky when you first get here.


Christian Thurston


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